Lovisa Lin went to a birthday party this afternoon and while she was gone, Matthildur entertained the cat :) The cat, who is stuck with the name Kung Fu Panda Rosalin, is getting to be her usual pre-pregnancy, pre-kitten happy and crazy self, and they ran around the living room, chasing each other and the cat toy for almost an hour LOL It's fun to be young. And a cat :)

She is such a cute cat!!
I have a couple of layouts tonight...

That's my little three and a half year old goofball the other day. She loves wearing sunglasses - it makes her feel cool LOL I used Dawn Inskip's beautiful new kit, Twitterpated - it's available at Catscrap and Pickleberry Pop.

Kristin's ScrapDesign has these fab templates out, called My 365 story, and I thought they were perfect to scrap my 365 photos from 2009. I did quit the 365 project in February last year, but I have more or less a photo a day the whole year anyway, so I was going to attempt getting them on layouts. I have already put the photos and background papers on the first 8 weeks - have just to decorate and journal a bit - and I love how they are turning out. I'm not posting them in any online galleries, except this one since it's part of my CT job, but I might post them here along with my 2010 photo layouts :) I don't want to jinx it, but I seem to be having an easier time doing the 365 this time around.

These are my husband and Lovisa while on a mountain hike in July 2005. We didn't get all the way to the top because it entailed rock climbing, but we got to the part where the rock climbing began :) I can't really describe the feeling, when you get to the top and look down on the fjords - it's really amazing. Iceland is a "naked" country. We don't have any trees to block the view, so you can really see everything :) I used Ziggle Designs' gorgeous new kit, The Great Outdoors, available at Scrap Orchard.
And a little bit of whimsy to end with

Lovisa lost her two front teeth this summer. For a very long time they were hanging by a thread - literally - just laying lose on her lower lip LOL She is always beautiful, but this lent her an undeniable humorous look :) She was longing for the toothfairy so bad, but couldn't bring herself to just pull the teeth out!! Hence, she was wishing for some toothfairy magic :) I used Irene V Alexeeva's fab new kit,
Magic Medley, available at Scrap Orchard.
Well, that's it for today. Thank you so much for stopping by and have a wonderful night!!