I'm slacking in the blogging department, but I am sticking to taking photos every day - so I guess that's good LOL We did, however, go to Reykjavik this weekend, so there wasn't really a lot of online time. Not much computer time at all, really.
We got a cat on Saturday, and my daughters love it. Her name is Kung Fu Rósalín. Kung Fu because she's a dead ringer for Kung Fu Panda and Rósalín because Lovísa wanted to call her Rósa but Matthildur didn't - so this is a compromise :) She is a cutie, though, and deathly afraid of my 2 year old LOL She does enjoy getting the occasional snuggle from my 6 year old - but she definitely prefers me :) Here she is with Lovísa - my photo for Day 10...
Sunday, we didn't do much and I didn't take too many photos. I did take some of my mom's Christmas decorations, which are still up. My mom collects Santa figurines and she has quite a collection. She always displays them in such a nice manner - and my photo for Day 11 shows her collection of the Icelandic Santas. There are 13 of them, and she had all but two - until Boxing Day when the grandkids got a hold of them and broke a couple...!!!

While in Reykjavik, we finally bought the girls' Christmas present. There was no time to get it before Christmas so they had to wait a bit LOL Not that they minded - especially since they had no idea they were getting anything other than they book they got to open up on Christmas Eve :) We got them an indoor trampolin - and it's a HUGE hit. Hence, my photo for today, Day 12...
Oh, and the pacifier goes everywhere - even on the trampolin LOL

I haven't been in much of a scrapping mood lately. Here's the page I've managed over the weekend. It's kind of strange, only having one to show, when I usually easily manage 2-4 on my days off. Granted, it took a while to make, and I'm pretty happy with it. Anyways, I used Jen Ulasiewicz' fantastic new kit, Primitive Valentine, to show my little one last February. She was 20 months old and running all over the living room :)
That's it for today - maybe I'll be in a more creative mood tomorrow :) Thank you so much for stopping by!!

Lilja, did you do something to her eyes, they are so blue! What a beautiful photo of Lovisa with her kitten. Amazing collection your mom has and the trampoline looks like much fun... in your house! Not mine!!!LOL
Great photos!!
That kitten is sooo cute!!
EmmaLi wants a trampline but there is no way daddy will allow that. (he works in emergency medicine so he sees all kinds of injuries so he says NO to a lot of things)
That is one cute kitten and what a great name! Love it! Your photos are awesome!
Lilja, your blog is so beautiful to look at, your kitten is precious and what a cool name she has, and your LO you posted today is gorgeous! Mathildur Inga is the cutest!
Ah, what a sweet kitty, and what a perfect name. Congrats on the new addition to the family.
heheheh...Kung Fu Rósalín, geðveikt nafn :-) Til lukku með nýjasta fjölskyldumeðliminn !!
Love your new kitty's name and she is so pretty, I can tell by the photo that your daughter just loves her - wonderful capture!
What a wonderful Santa collection your mom has and love that you got the picture without a flash and just a candle's glow. I'm sure she enjoyed having the kids with her that she didn't mind too much a couple getting broken.
Such joyous faces on the tampoline picture (my son went everywhere with the pacifier, too)!
Beautiful layout! Love what you did with that beautiful kit - great extractions!
I'm sure you'll fee more creative later on. Have a great day!
Ooooooooooh, what a cute kitten. I so love her name! Your photos are beautiful! TFS
Ahhh, love the kitty photo and what an adorable name. Your girls are so precious. Never seen an inside tramp before or one that big - looks like loads of fun!
aw! what beautiful photos! I love the kitten's "don't go too far away from me" expression :)
Your daughters are beautiful and your younger one's pacifier makes me almost miss the days of my 4 yr old having hers...almost ;)
ahwww that kitten is still very young, the poor baby must miss her mommy thats why she prefers you :) Love thre snuggle photo, and wow that trampoline, I hope the kids have hours of play fun on it!
And I just love your layout
Love the photo and story about kitty's name! lol! Beautiful pics!
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