Today's photo is nothing short of terrible - the memory is great, though, and since that's 90% of what matters, I decided that I don't care. At least not too much. I can be endlessly disappointed that I didn't get a single good shot of my older daughter's first dance show, and I can make tons of excuses for it; the school was badly lit, I had a whiny two year old on my lap so I couldn't mess with any of the settings...etc, etc. However, I was just having too much fun watching her dance, and when I figured out that the few photos I took were horrible, I decided to film it instead - that also gave me a free hand to cuddle my two year old LOL
So here's one of the photos I took...

She's got moves - and she's only 6!! I'm just wondering where she learned to move her hips like she does!!! Certainly not from tone deaf, no rythm me!!!
I have a couple of layouts to show today too :)
Dawn Inskip debuted at The Digi Chick yesterday with 3 new packs of gorgeous stuff.
We went to the beach on New Years Day and the weather was so gorgeous - for midwinter, at least!
Kim De Smet also brought out a new kit this week. It's called
Clownerie and it's available in her OScraps store.

This is my younger daughter showing off :) She was 9,5 months old, highly mobile, just a couple of days from letting go and walking on her own - and she missed no chance showing off and just being a complete goofball LOL She's still like that at 2,5 - I'm hoping she always will be :)
Final one tonight - I promise!!!
Shien Designs released a Chinese New Year kit yesterday. It's called
Xing Fu (Happiness) and it's such a cute kit.

My husband took this photo of Lovisa Lin in the Forbidden City. She was in my arms - and not happy about it!! She is looking at her dad, asking him with her eyes why he let that terrible woman hold her, when he could just as well do it himself. I can laugh at it today, because she's a complete mommy's girl - but it hurt at the time :)
I'm off to bed - thanks for looking and have a good night :)