I used an amazing kit by Mistica Designs called Home Is Where The Heart Is. It's just gorgeous.
As usual, clicking my layouts will bring you to my DST gallery for details and credits and clicking the kit brings you to Monja's store at Digital Scrap Girl.
As usual, clicking the layouts brings you to my DST gallery for details and credits. Clicking the kit brings you to it in Rebecca's OScraps shop.
Merry Christmas everybody!!
I used an amazing kit by Lauraskathi called Merry Christmas. It's not in her shop at Funky Playground until Monday, December 24, but I am a guest on her CT for January and got to play with it early! Yeah - I still can't believe my luck!
As usual: Clicking the layouts brings you to my DST gallery for details and credits. Clicking the kit brings you to Kathi's store at FPD.
I used a gorgeous paperpack by Kiki Halbert called Graphical Botanicals and her Now That's News! Frames along with a couple of things from her Firestorm kit.
As usual: Clicking the layouts brings you to my DST gallery for details & credits. Clicking the kit brings you to it in Kiki's store at Scrapbook-Elements.
As always, clicking the layout brings you to my DST gallery for details and credits, and clicking the kit brings you to the Digital Candy Store. I miss my Blushbutter display book templates - I accidentally left them at home on my EHD.
I used an amazingly girly girly kit by Rebecca Lynn and Anita Stergiou. It's called Army Brat and it's full of glittery pink stuff. Perfect for my pinker than pink glitter girls :-) And a little plug: It's 25% off right now!!
As usual, clicking the layout brings you to my DST gallery for details and credits. Clicking the kit brings you to Rebecca Lynn's OScraps shop. And, the display book is by Blushbutter.
The kit I used is by Kiki Halbert at SBE. It's called Firestorm and it's gorgeous! The papers are so beautiful that it's almost a shame to cover them up with photos and elements! Anyway, here's the kit:
As usual, clicking the layout brings you to my DST gallery for details and credits. Clicking the kit brings you to it in Kiki's store at SBE. And the display book is by Blushbutter.
I thought it would be perfect for pictures from my brother's wedding. My SIL wore a traditional Norwegian gown which she hand embroidered herself. The main color of the skirt and vest is black, but the embroidery is really colorful and beautiful.
Oh, and by the way, I probably should mention that the book template I use to display my layouts is by Blushbutter. Since I always scrap 2 pages at a time from each kit, I like to display them this way - it gives me an idea of how my layouts are going to look together in an album.
Clicking the image brings you to my DST gallery where you can see the layouts more clearly and see detailed credit.
Here's Kiki's gorgeous kit - clicking it brings you to the kit in her shop at SBE:
These are my girls on Christmas morning 2006, enjoying our traditional Christmas breakfast of spicy cake and hot chocolate. The older one enjoyed it immensely. The younger one was only 6 months old and had just started to experience with solid food, so she only got to taste the tiniest bit of hot chocolate on my finger - but she LOVED it!!
Clicking the image will bring you to my gallery for complete and detailed credit.