Sunday, February 28, 2010
Rest of February
Now for the rest of my February photos...
February 24
There was a concert at the Music school and both girls performed. Lovisa Lin is taking piano and singing lessons, so she sang a song and played two songs on the piano. Matthildur Inga had only had two piano lessons, but she had learned to play the "C" note - so that's what she did :) And she was VERY proud of herself!!! She did want to sing, though, just like her sister, and had prepared a song, so she was not too happy with not getting to perform it LOL

February 25

February 26
Since the weather has been rather bad, cold, windy and snowy, the cat hasn't been able to go out as much as she's used to. So she's grumpy - just gives us the evil eye as if the weather is our fault :) I love that cat LOL

February 27
Matthildur Inga at the sports hall watching her dad play soccer. She didn't find it too exciting LOL

February 28
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Mystery Challenge
This is the last one - I promise :)
I'm running the Mystery challenge at Scrap Orchard this month - and the challenge is to scrap family and to journal quite a bit. This is my layout
...about the day when we became a family of 3.

Use the challenge to journal, to remember – just tell us how important family is. And it is by no means only about children. Family is so much more; parents, grandparents, cousins, friends, fur babies…anything that means family to you.
And a couple more...
Can't stop now LOL
Penny Springmann released a fantastic kit last weekend. It's called 4 sho and it's available at Sweet Shoppe - and in Penny's new and fantastic personal shope, My Digital Stash!!
Penny Springmann released a fantastic kit last weekend. It's called 4 sho and it's available at Sweet Shoppe - and in Penny's new and fantastic personal shope, My Digital Stash!!

This is Lovisa Lin at 5 - showing all of her pre-teen attitude. Can't wait to see what this girl will be like when she actually hits her teens LOL
Last week was a huge release week for Scrap Orchard - as usual :) I made three layouts using their new releases

I used a template by Megan Turnidge and a fab collab from Julie Bullock and mle card, called The Good Dog - bot available at Scrap Orchard.

I used AnnaBV Designs' Kit Cat kit and Cat Wordart pack, as well as Tracie Stroud's stitches and worn overlays. All available at Scrap Orchard.

I used a Clean and Tiny template by Dani Alencar and also Dani's collab with Bianka Argollo, A Whole Year - February. Both available at Scrap Orchard.
Couple of layouts
I've been slacking in posting my layouts on the blog - and since it's been a long time, and I scrap a LOT, I won't even pretend that I can ever catch up LOL So, I'll just post a few now and try and do it regularly from now on :)
Dawn Inskip released two new kits last week, Sugar and Spice was one of them and About a Boy was the other. They are both available at Pickleberry Pop and Catscrap.

Irene V Alexeeva also released two kits last week. She is guest designer at Scrapbook Graphics this month, so she released Squeak With Love there and Chocomint at her regular Scrap Orchard store.

Lovisa Lin is fascinated by Ancient Egypt. When I went to a book fair on Sunday, I bought her a book on the subject...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
One Love Charity Collab
Just a quick note to let you know that this is the last week to buy the One Love Charity Collab at Scrap Orchard. The kit will be retiring at the end of the month!!

The profits from the sale of this kit will be donated to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. We chose the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund not only because it embodies the spirit of One Love, but also because 100% of the donations will go to the relief and recovery efforts in Haiti and because they are working to provide both immediate relief and long-term support to the earthquake survivors.
This beautiful kit includes 114 papers, 356 elements, 3 alphabets, 6 page templates and 1 hybrid template and 16- 12 in. x 12 in. .png quick pages.
Weekend - and more
I've been having big problems with my internet connection at home, and it takes forever to update and upload to the blog. I'm sneaking this one in at work - so don't tell LOL
February 19
Friday night is tv night so we make popcorn and get cozy in front of the tv. There are 2 comedy shows the girls get to watch Friday nights and they look forward to them all week. And daddy's popcorn tops the night :)
February 20

February 21

February 22
I made Indian food yesterday, and although I loved it, both girls thought it was too spicy. Lovisa Lin tried her hardest to eat it with lots of rice and veggies, but even though I mashed the meat (without sauce) into the rice for Matthildur, she really didn't care for it at all. She tried, though, and since we have been giving them a hard time about eating the food they get and not appreciating the food they get, she told me how much she loved this food, grimacing through every bite LOL Poor kid. This is her, trying to put a positive spin on the food :)

Friday, February 19, 2010
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday was Ash Wednesday and traditionally it's a day of dressing up and going trick-or-treating. My girls went to school/Kindergarten dressed as pirate princesses
Don't they look cool? They took their part very seriously LOL

Yesterday, Lovisa was busy practicing the piano for her lesson today - when I started pestering her with the camera she started giggling, telling me not to bother her while she was playing
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Shrove Tuesday
Today is Shrove Tuesday and my in-laws invited us to a traditional dinner of salted lamb, potatoes and yellow pea soup. It was delicious, but I had to be careful because all this salt goes straight to my blood pressure LOL The girls love this, so they ate a lot, but they can handle it :)
This is the day where Iceland gets a record breaking number of people visiting the ER with heart palpitation and possible heart attacks. There is just so much fat and salt in there it can easily kill the weak of heart. But we still eat it - and most eat a lot. I love the taste of the meat, if it's not too fat, and potatoes and veggies and I love the soup if it's not too salty - but I don't like how it makes me feel afterwards, so I keep intake to a minimum LOL

And now I go on the treadmill to sweat and drink a gallon of water so that I'll survive this year's Shrove Tuesday with my heart in tact :)
Bun Day
Yesterday was Bun Monday, or Shrove Monday, I'm not sure of the English translation - if there even is one LOL Anyway, on this day, the Monday 7 weeks before Easter, Icelander's stuff themselves with buns filled with jelly and whipped cream and topped with frosting. We eat meatballs or fishballs for dinner - and basically it's a day about buns :)
I made buns on Sunday and when we got home yesterday we filled them with raspberry jam and whipped cream and made frosting for the top. I prefer brown chocolate frosting, but the girls insisted on different colors. Matthildur wanted green frosting and Lovisa wanted pink frosting - and, of course, they got pink and green :)

Monday, February 15, 2010
Missing Days
I'm getting lazier with the blog, I've got to get in gear, though, because now I'm at the point where I gave up last year :) I'm so NOT going to do that this year!!!
February 9

February 10

February 11
One of Lovisa's girlfriends' birthday was today and she had a pajama party. Lovisa wore her new pink Barbie pajamas - and looked really good! It must have been fun, though, being the neighbor of this girl when 22 kids in pajamas ran out to the playground to play outside LOL

February 12

February 13

February 14
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Fifth week...
I just noticed that I never posted the February half of my Week 5 layouts - so here it is :)
Good weather
The weather has been totally amazing so far this year. Not like winter at all - and now, for the past 10 days or so, we are having absolute spring weather, even though it's just the beginning of February and spring weather shouldn't be here until late March or early April. We are taking advantage of this weather, though, trying to be outside as much as possible.

Saturday, February 06, 2010
We went to Reykjavik yesterday afternoon
I took this photo out of the car window when we were about 10 minutes away from the house on our way to Reykjavik. We had just a little bit of snow - can't really call it that - but enough so that all the shadows in the mountains were clearly visible with the slight snow and beautiful sunlight.

Tonight we came back home after having spent the day with grandma (my mother). This morning, Lovisa Lin made her grandma teach her how to knit
She is really amazing, this girl! Whatever she wants to do or learn, she does and learns how to do in very short time. She is amazingly smart and really clever and talented too. We are so lucky that she's ours.

Thursday, February 04, 2010
Coming home!
My husband came home today!! He's been out to sea for the most part of the last two weeks, I only saw him Friday afternoon and Tuesday afternoon for a little bit of time each day. The boat only stopped while the fish was landed and new bait was put on the boat. Now he has the weekend off - yeah!!!
I took a long lunch, since I wasn't feeling well and had to go to a meeting at 4 so I thought I'd better lie down and rest for a while so I could make it throught the meeting. Anyways, when I was about to go back to work, I saw my husband's boat sail by our livingroom window - and of course I took photos LOL
I took a long lunch, since I wasn't feeling well and had to go to a meeting at 4 so I thought I'd better lie down and rest for a while so I could make it throught the meeting. Anyways, when I was about to go back to work, I saw my husband's boat sail by our livingroom window - and of course I took photos LOL
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Cats and Buns
It's been an eventful day. I started out this morning taking our cat to the vet to have her fixed. The vet lives an hour or so away from our house and when I got there at 9:30 this morning, the vet gave her a shot while I held her and then I left her with him for an hour - which was the time he said the operation would take. I got back a little over an hour later and when I opened the door the first thing I saw was the cat, asleep on her back, legs stiff in all directions, eyes wide open and the vet finishing sewing her up. I can tell you, I did NOT want to see that!! I felt so sorry for her - the operation took place on a hard wooden table, the table where I left her - which I thought was just a receiving table and that the operation would take place under sterile conditions in a back room, where it would at least be a little warm. But no! Just shows you how much I know!! And then I took her home. He shoveled her into her travelling cage and off we were - like 10 minutes after the operation was done with! But she is ok. The vet's been practicing for many, many years - and he's a really good vet - it was just a big shock :) She's been staggering around all afternoon, prefering to be lying somewhere close to me, but I can see she's getting better.
Anyways, cat adventures aside, Lovisa got to take the bus to the neighboring town after school to visit her friend. Usually she takes part in the after school program until 4 when I'm done with work, but today she got to skip that and just have fun with a friend :) While she was away, Matthildur and I made cinnamon buns

Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Pirate Play
I ordered the girls some new costumes and they came in the mail today. They were really excited, since it was a double dress :) One one side it was a pink princess dress and on the other it was a red and black girl pirate dress. They promptly made up a play, which I was the audience for, where Lovisa was the pirate who kidnapped Matthildur the princess - who ended up having to walk the plank and fall into the ocean. It was quite a play!!
Monday, February 01, 2010
Rooting for our team
Iceland took home the bronze at the European Handball Championship that ended yesterday in Austria. We took home the silver at the Beijing Olympics, so this is our second medal from a big championship in 1,5 years. Getting a team that good from a nation of 360.000 people is pretty amazing - in my humble opinion - and these guys on the team are our heroes today :)
Iceland welcomed them home today, and there was a live broadcast from the welcoming ceremony. I turned it on on my computer but had to go upstairs to make dinner, just leaving it on. All of a sudden I was hearing clapping from the computer area, looked downstairs and there was my 3,5 year old, glued to the screen, clapping excitedly whenever one of our fantastic handballers was called to the stage. Now there is a fan for you!!!
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