We got back from camping late Monday night - a bit earlier than we planned, but it was a fun camping trip none the less. We had exceptional weather the whole time - except for this one night where it was so windy that I thought our camper would blow over LOL We got the remains of Tropical storm Berta that night, and even though it was far from hurricane winds, it was still very windy. The bonus of the storm was VERY hot weather!! We are still having far above average temperatures and sunny days! The temps are in the upper 70s to lower 80s Fahrenheit, which translates to upper 20s Celsius. In a country where the average temperature for July is a little over 10°C (in the 50s Fahrenheit) - this is VERY hot, and we are enjoying it immensely!
I haven't scrapped very much for the past 2 weeks - even though the laptop got to go with, it was mainly there so I could empty the memory card of my camera once in a while LOL
I managed one layout in the week before we left - and that's all that week! I usually do at least a page a day so this is VERY little LOL. This layout took me a while, though. This is my little one on the beach at the end of June...
I haven't scrapped very much for the past 2 weeks - even though the laptop got to go with, it was mainly there so I could empty the memory card of my camera once in a while LOL
I managed one layout in the week before we left - and that's all that week! I usually do at least a page a day so this is VERY little LOL. This layout took me a while, though. This is my little one on the beach at the end of June...

I did manage one layout during our trip, I had just bought Kasia's Blowing Dandelions kit and when I got this photo of my older one blowing dandelions, I just had to scrap it right away LOL
This last one is also from our camping trip. My little one had such a blast being outside all the time, running and jumping and exploring. And she got exhausted, which is the main reason why we got back early. But while her energy lasted (a good 10 days) she was the happiest of kids :)

This layout was in the Standouts at DST yesterday (yeah!!) and it's also mentioned at a blog called Best of Digital Scrapbooking!! How great is that!! Although, I really cannot take the credit since it's a quickpage created by Cinzia and comes with the kit. I only added the photo and a couple of elements from the kit.
Anyways - on my way out to enjoy our tropical heat wave LOL
Have a good day!!