...to all who celebrate it :) We don't, althought the tradition is slowly getting imported to Iceland from America LOL I guess we all like to get romantic once in awhile - not bad to have a designated day for it :)
February 11
Lovisa Lin and Matthildur Inga dancing on the living room floor :) Lovisa had dance lessons at school the other week and now she decided it was time to teach her little sister the moves LOL They had fun - so did I watching!! Notice the bandaid on Matthildur's leg? She has scratches all over from the cat. They just can't keep away from each other, must be the attraction that youngsters have for each other - at least they keep seeking each other out. And when Matthildur gets a little rough, the cat gives her a little pat with her claws, Matthildur gets a bandaid and then they keep on playing LOL

February 12
Trausti got home early this morning afther having worked all night and slept very little for the past 3 days. Obviously he was tired - so when nighttime came around, he decided to let the girls sleep in our bed and they all fell asleep while he was reading for them. Even the cat - but the cat woke up when I snuck in with the camera. I thought this was altogether too adorable to not be the photo of today :) Poor Trausti only got 2 hours of sleep because he went back to work at 10:30 that night - and he's not coming back until Sunday night.

February 13

February 14

Matthildur Inga got me a fluffy pink cat - and she wrote on the card herself, with a little help from her dad :)

That's it for now - thank you so much for stopping by!!! BTW, it's nighttime and dinner is over with. The chicken wings tasted divine - as did the accompanying Beijing style Garlic and Koriander flavored cold noodles...yum!!!