We went to visit my brother and his wife in Iowa over Christmas 2007. Our flight home was on New Years Day 2008. My younger daughter was 18 months and was allowed to grab food from the table and eat on the go sometimes. My brother's two dogs quickly found out that her grab-and-go food was easy prey for them, so they hunted as a pair. One came in front, pretending to want the food, so she put it behind her back. There, the other one was waiting and quickly snatched the food away from her hand LOL She never minded, just came back for more food - and then the hunting continued :) I think all three quite enjoyed this little game, although it always looked like the dogs were tricking her LOL

See, there they are :)
I used Dúnia Design's beautiful kit,
Never Mind...

It's gorgeous - and don't forget, Dúnia is having a huge sale....