Thursday, January 27, 2011

Once Upon a Time...

What little girl doesn't like dress-up and fairytales? Mine both certainly do!!! Here's Matthildur Inga acting out her princess role in a play her big sister directed - back in February 2010 :)I used Dawn Inskip's fantastic new kit, A Mixed Up Fairytaleand her matching A Mixed Up Fairytale Alpha Pack. I also used Dawn's Above and Beyone {Template 17}
~ everything available at Scrapbook Graphics ~

I Love You

Lovisa Lin :)
I used Karen Funk's fabulous new kit, My Shabby Valentine @ Design House Digital and a tTemplate by EHStudio


My beautiful daughters in a cute cuddly and kissy moment :)I did this for Flergs' Playday over at Scrapbook Graphics and I used her Cerise Noir Collectionas well as Studio True Blue's Blueprints Set 7.


Lovisa Lin and her beautiful smile :)
I used BCD Designs fab Hello! Smile and Studio True Blue's amazing Blueprints Set 8.
~ both available at Scrapbook Graphics ~


Matthildur Inga putting up some Easter decorations back in April 2010 :)I used Birgit Kerr's fabulous Squiggly Gig and Queen of Hearts' Color Pops V4.

You Are My Sunshine

Matthildur Inga enjoying a bit of a wet vacation day back in 2008 :)I used a fantastic collab from Studio Basic and Dúnia Design. It's called You Are My Sunshine and Queen of Hearts' fab new template, Color Pops V6

The Storm

The coastline around here the day after a big storm. I just LOVE to watch the wild ocean :)
It's a part of a two pager...I used Kristin's ScrapDesign's fabulous 2-Page Layout No20, available at Pickleberry Pop, and Natali Design's Singing in the Rain @ Scrapbook Graphics.


...for going outside in the snow and cold weather :) Matthildur Inga modeling her new woolen sweater and hat which she got for Christmas 2009 from her grandmother.I used Three Sweet Chicks' fabulous new templates, Chicklet Journal It, available @ The Digi Chick. I also used Lindsay Jane's gorgeous new kit, First Chill, available at Pickleberry Pop and Gotta Pixel.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Railway

Lovisa Lin LOVES trains, so when we were in England in June 2005, we went on a train ride from Holt to Sheringham with a steam engine. It was such fun :)I used a fabulous new collab from Dawn Inskip and mle Card. It's called Making Tracks - and for the time being, it comes with 2 free addon packs!I also used Dawn Inskip's Above and Beyond {Template 13}


Lovisa Lin on the carousel at an amusement park back in May 2006 :)I used JB Studio's gorgeous kit, Let's Have Fun, the featured kit at Digiscrappers Brasil this month. It comes with a FWP addon!
I also used a template from Thaty Borges' Page Templates Vol3, which she was giving away on her blog a few days ago. They will be for sale in her stores at Digiscrappers Brasil and SugarHillco very soon

8th Birthday

Lovisa Lin while her friends sang the birthday song to her when she celebrated her 8th birthday back in December :)I did this for The Lab playday @ Scrapbook Graphics, and I used The Lab's fab Squared PreFAB Templates No1. I also used Lorie Davison's The Buzibug's Happy Birthday Kit and Studio Bethany‘s Birthday Ages 5-8 Cluster.


Lovisa Lin outside on one of the coldest days we've had so far this winter :)I used Studio Buttercup's fab new Punched Petals Vol2 and Studio Rosey Posey's Peace kit.

Let It Snow

We haven't had much snow this past year, and Matthildur Inga keeps looking for some when we go for walks :)I used Queen of Hearts' Blooming Morning AddOn template and Natali Design's Winter Dream Bundle.

Christmas Time

Lovisa Lin opening presents on Christmas Eve
I used Queen of Hearts' Color Pops V5 template pack and Miss Vivi's Mini Christmas kit.

Beautiful Smile

Matthildur Inga at the beginning of the month :)I used Lindsay Jane's Splash of Red, available at Pickleberry Pop and Gotta Pixel. I also used one of Studio Basic's Potpourri Templates II, available at Digiscrappers Brasil and MScraps.

Roses and...

...old food LOL Traditional Icelandic food eaten on our traditional Husband's Day, where the husband gets flowers and chocolates and everybody gets to eat rotten food like they did in the old days :)
I used a fab collab from Just Because Studio and Bianca Argollo, called A Whole Year {January}

Kiss Me...

Lovisa Lin all puckered up for a kiss. The photo is from the end of March 2004 :)I used Thaty Borges' gorgeous new kit, Celebrate Love, and one of Dúnia Designs fab new Embrace Simplicity templates.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gullfoss og Geysir

Click here to view this photo book larger

Photos from the first day of our vacation last summer. We took "The Golden Circle" in the south of Iceland with stops at the Geysir and the Golden Waterfall.

I used Biograffiti's new Photoshoot Template Album and Gina Marie Huff's Sweet & Simple No6 (June) @ Weeds & Wildflowers.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Photo Crazy

Like their mom, my girls love taking photos!! Lucky for me, they still humor me and play a model for my camera too. At least once in a while :) This is Lovisa on a trip we took last June.
I used Dawn Inskip's fab new kit, Snapshots, just released at Scrapbook Graphics...I also used one of Dawn's previously released Project 365 templates.

Family Time

My girls love to play cards and board games. This is Lovisa Lin in January 2010, while we were all sitting around the kitchen table playing Junior Alias :)I used the brand new Studio Girl collab, Impressions of Family Night, and Studio True Blue's new Blueprints Set 8.

On My Way... the "big sandbox" :) Matthildur Inga at 20 months, bucket and shovel in hand, on her way to our beach to make sculptures from sand and sea :)
I used Three Sweet Chicks' fab new Chicklet Frame It template. The layout is linked for full credit.


Lovisa Lin and I in the summer of 2004. We were having a cuddles and kisses session LOLI used Studio Doodelle's fab new kit, Kissing Birds, and Queen of Hearts' Confetti template. The layout is linked for full credit.

BIG Cake!!

Matthildur Inga love her cake :) Whenever we go somewhere, she insists on a stop at a café where she'll get Hot Chocolate and a BIG cake LOLThe layout is linked for full credit, but I used Studio BCD's Snack Break and Studio True Blue's Blueprints Set 8

Monday, January 10, 2011

Week 1 - 2011

The first week of 2011 in photos :)It's a double page so it looks so small here - it's linked for a better view and full credit.
I used Lindsay Jane's new Project 365 elements and papers along with her P365 template.

My Beautiful Girl

Matthildur Inga on a walk on January 2 :)I used Studio Lilleyscrap's Mapped 19-20 templates and her new Simply Loved kit. The layout is linked for full credit.


Lovisa Lin proudly modeling the witch costume she got back in October :)I used Dawn Inskip's Above and Beyond {Template 16} and her fab Wizardry kit.

Friday, January 07, 2011


Matthildur Inga, quite miserable, after having run through the cold sprinklers last August. It was nice out, but not too warm, so she got wet AND cold :) Poor baby - and she just did it because I did it first and dared her!! I'm a bad mother LOL
I used Queen of Hearts' fab new templates, Color Pops V4 and Hazel Olive's Moody kit.

Flower Girl

We travelled around the southern part of Iceland during the summer and sometimes there was volcanic ash everywhere. If it was windy and dry, it was like dense fog. This day, we drove out of the ash into an oasis with a creek and a waterfall, and stopped for a little while. It was weird to see walls of ash everywhere, except where we were, which was this sunny little beautiful stop. Lovisa made use of the time, sitting quietly by the creek picking flowers :)I used one of Studio Basic's new templates from her The First Of 2011 template pack. I also used the January Free With $10 Purchase collab kit, Blooming Morning, from Digiscrappers Brasil.


Matthildur Inga with her menu on her face. As usual :)I used a fantastic collab from Queen of Hearts, Jacque Larsen, Brynn Dukes and Heather Hess, called Retro House.

The Cards

Matthildur loves to play cards - and lucky for her, grandma also loves to play cards. At least she won't say no when Matthildur asks her to play LOLI used Just Because Studio's new So Kissable and Queen of Hearts' Glitz N Bitz template.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

JBStudio Newsletter

Dani's first newsletter will go out Friday with, among other things, info on her fantastic new kit - which will also be released Friday. Every new sign up to the newsletter will receive a $4 coupon to Dani's store at Digiscrappers Brasil.

Check it out and be the first to get info on everything that's going on at Just Because Studio!

It's a Girl!

When I was pregnant with our younger daughter, back in 2006, we never got to know the sex of the baby - but I was totally convinced it was a boy. I always talked about "him". So, imagine my surprise when a little girl entered the world :)
I used Dunia Designs' An Easy Way template and Alphabet Soup-Christmas alpha, as well as Hazel Olive's Oh Baby kit. The layout is linked for full credit.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011


It's freezing cold outside - so it's nice to scrap a summer photo :)I used Karen Funk's new kit, Butterfly Kisses @ Design House Digital and one of the templates from Amanda Taylor's A Beautiful Mess collab with Emily Powers @ OScraps. The layout is linked for full credit.


Sunday afternoon, the girls are fresh from the bath and quietly enjoying the children's programs on tv. The house is also quite - couldn't be better :)It's Studio Lilleyscrap is designer of the week at Scrapbook Graphics and for her playday, I used her new Love Birds Bundle and one of her templates to make this layout. It's linked for full credit :)

Monday, January 03, 2011

Happy New Year

Matthildur Inga just after midnight, celebrating the new year :) She loved the fireworks - but most of all she loved holding these sparklers, which I don't know the English word for LOL
I used Dawn Inskip's new Project 365 Grab Bag and her Above and Beyond {Template 15} along with a couple of other of Dawn's goodies.The bag is filled to the top with the most amazing goodies - just perfect for anyone who is about to start on a P365 journey for 2011, or for those still scrapping their P365 2010 photos :)

Biograffiti Spotlight

Biograffiti is in the Designer Spotlight at OScraps this week. She created a minikit which she is giving away for her Spotlight challenge, and another kit, which she is selling at only $3,49 for her Spotlight week. I used both of those kits, plus a few other of her goodies, to create this layout for her challenge...The journaling is me reminiscing about the first time I saw this photo on January 9, 2004. This is the referral photo of our daughter who was waiting for us in China. Now, this little girl is a 8 year old happy kid who likes to sleep in, read and knit :)


On New Years Day, the gingerbread house got smashed into pieces, and although my girls did not like the taste of the gingerbread, they thoroughly enjoyed diving into all the sweets which decorated the house LOLI used Thaty Borges' fabulous kit, Magical Christmas and her matching Magical Christmas alpha. The layout is linked for full credits :)

Christmas Party

Matthildur Inga on her way to the Christmas Party at Preschool around the middle of December :)I did the layout for the Studio Gypsy playday @ Scrapbook Graphics last week and used a whole lot of Lisa's goodies. I also used a template from Queen of Hearts. The layout is linked for full credits.