Saturday, December 31, 2011


I love dreamcatchers, their origin, their looks and what they are meant to do... :)
I used Dawn Inskip's amazing new Dreamcatcher Collection ~ available at Scrapbook Graphics.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Today I...Cooked

My older daughter cooking meatballs back in February :)
I love my SMASH books, and this amazing collab, Pasted & Pinned from Studio JenD and Amy Stoffel, makes me feel like I have this fantastic digital SMASH book in my computer!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Winter Walk

My older daughter on January 2, 2011 - almost a year ago :)
I used a fab kit from Designs by Helly, called Frost ~ available at Scrapbook Bytes.

The Badlands

A photo of my best friend, taken in the North Dakota Badlands when we took a little roadtrip in May 1991 while we were still in college.  We drove from Fargo ND to Theodore Roosevelt National Park - and it was so much fun.  Driving through North Dakota was the first time in my life I had seen so much flat land LOL  It was beautiful, but coming from mountainous Iceland, I just hadn't experienced before, standing on the road and not seeing even a hill (or a bump in the road LOL) in any direction :)
I used Dawn Inskip's amazing new Dreamcatcher Collection and a template from Dawn's Make Believe Collection ~ both at Scrapbook Graphics.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fun in the Snow

My daughters got sleds for Christmas and went outside at first light to try them out :)  Lucky for them, we have loads and loads of snow this year!!
I used Lisa Sisnero's Winter Woodland, Syrin's Amy's Stitches and a template by Studio 68.

Friday, December 23, 2011


My older daughter, dressed up as Cleopatra, on her way to a fancy dress party at school :)
I used the fab new Studio Mix from the Studio Girls, Carnevale and the Carnevale Bsides Clusters.

13 Years

My husband and I have been together for 13 years.  Our younger daughter took this photo earlier this month - and it was a bit crooked and a bit out of focus, but I still wanted to scrap it :)
I used an amazing collab from Flergs and Litabells Designs, called L'amour ~ and it's available at Scrapbook Graphics.  I used a template by Sara Gleason.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy New Year!

My younger daughter on New Years Eve 2009.  She was 3,5 years old and meant to stay awake until the fireworks started at midnight - but she fell asleep on the couch around 10pm :)
I used a fab new collab from Charlize Creations & Kitty Designs, called Nouvelle Groove.  I also used Studio JenD's Strip That Paper 2.0. ~ Both available at Scrapbook Graphics ~

Make Believe

My daughters on their way to a yearly costume party at their school and kindergarten last March.  They had long decided that they were going to go as Cleopatra and a witch.  At the last minute, my younger daughter wanted to go as Justin Bieber but settled on me writing his name on her forhead LOL  So she went as the Justin Bieber witch :)

I used Dawn Inskip's new and fabulous Make Believe Collection, as well as Dawn's A Mixed Up Fairy Tale Alpha Pack ~ both available at Scrapbook Graphics ~

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Beautiful Girl

My beautiful younger daughter, at 3 years old, back in early July 2009 :)
I used BCD Designs' gorgeous Uptown Girls ~ available at After Five Designs.  Template by Crystal Livesay.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


...for the Christmas card - or at least the attempt at one LOL  Trying to get all kids to act nice, skip the funny faces, smile - or just plain look at the camera all at the same time, is next to impossible :)
I used Julia Makotinsky's Winterful ~ available at Scrapbook Graphics.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


My younger daughter ready and excited to go to the Christmas Dance at her Kindergarten last year :)
I used Sabee's Creative World's Christmas Charm and Hand-drawn Christmas Tags.  I also used Little Butterfly Wings' Bossa Nova Templates and Nancie Rowe Janitz' Frosty Fun Brushset.

Then and Now

A referral photo of my older daughter, taken in December 2003 when she was one year old.  The other photo was taken on December 2, two days before her 9th birthday :)
I used a fantastic collab from Studio Basic and Dúnia Designs, called Everyday Project Bundle ~ it's amazing and perfect for any P365 or Project Life in 2012.  Everything can be bought as a bundle - or as individual element/paper packs.  The Everyday Project Bundle is available at Digiscrappers Brasil and MScraps.


My younger daughter back in June :)
I used Jenna Desai's Cheerful and Border Frames Vol.3 ~ both available at The Lilypad.


We don't have too many hours of daylight this time of year - but it's always beautiful, around midday, when the sun tries to peek up over the mountaintops Smile
I used Amy Wolff's amazing new Wintersong at The Lilypad.  Template by Queen of Heartsþ

Friday, December 16, 2011

Clever Girl

My younger daughter learning how to read and write.  The photos are from February and she was a little more than 4,5 years old :)
I used a lot of stuff from Catscrap - the layout is linked for full credits :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

After the Storm

My younger daughter after a huge blow-out.  She was on her way to the Kindergarten Christmas Party, all dressed up in her best, when the Christmas stress got the better of her and she lost control of her temper LOL  Afterwards, she still wanted me to take her picture in her best outfit :)
I used Dawn Inskip's AMAZING new Peace Collection available at Scrapbook Graphics.  The template I used is by Little Green Frog.


My older daughter back in early October :)
I used Jenna Desai's Singing The Blues - and a little bit from Calendar TidBits and Flower Bits.


My older daughter sang with her choir at a Christmas concert at the end of November.  I snapped this photo of her while she was sitting down during the choir's hiatus :)
I used a bunch of Amy Wolff's products at The Lilypad...the layout is linked for full credit :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


My husband wasn't home for our older daughter's 9th birthday, but since he was home on the day before, she got to open our present that day early :)  She was VERY happy LOL
I used Ju Kneipp's AMAZING new Project 365 2012 Collection, available at Catscrap and OScraps.  Template by Fuss Free

Monday, December 12, 2011

Life's a Journey

My younger daughter in the Sony Explora Science Center in Beijing at the end of August.  It's such a fun place to spend a day with your kids :)
I used a gorgeous collab from BCD Designs and Cinzia Loosemore.  It's called Summer Vacation and it's available at After Five Designs.


It's been freezing cold since the end of November - and only 1 of my 3 kids appreciates the snow and cold.  Can you tell which one :)
I used a few of Studio Basic's fab new releases at Digiscrappers Brasil and MScraps.  The layout is linked for full credits :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011


It's been so cold here lately - and my son has been a bit sick so he hasn't been out much.  He got to go out a little bit last weekend and loved it :)
I used Jenna Desai's December BYOC products at The Lilypad...and a couple of other things from the Decembe BYOC.  The layout is linked for full credit :)

Winter Joy

My older daughter at the end of November :)
I used BCD Designs' fab new Winter Joy ~ available at After Five Designs.

Friday, December 09, 2011


Who doesn't love icicles LOL  It's been so cold here lately that there are icicles everywhere - and my girls LOVE it :)
I used Amy Wolff's December BYOC products at The Lilypad...the layout is linked for full credits :)

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Milk & Cookies

We made chocolate chip cookies the other day and the girls got some milk and cookies before bedtime.  Just to make Santa jealous :)
I used Dawn Inskip's fab new Festivity stuff at Scrapbook Graphics...and some of Dawn's equally fabulous, slightly older stuff.  There is so much stuff that I'm just linking the layout to the gallery where you can read the creditlist - but everything is available at Scrapbook Graphics -

Freebie by Line...

Line has a freebie up...
...and a facebook game!!  Take a look at her blog for more information.


My husband is away for days at a time and the kids miss him a lot.  I thought it would make the wait easier if we made a calendar to count down the days until he got home again.
This is my younger daughter making her "daddy calendar" - which has definitely made the wait easier on her :)
I did this for the December Homemade Challenge at Catscrap.  I used a lot of Catscrap stuff on there - and the layout is linked for full credit :)

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Love Snow

My older daughter loves snow - so she is happy now that we are having generous amounts of it everywhere :)
I used the fabulous new Studio Mix from the Studio Girls at Scrapbook Graphics.  This one is called Natural Elegance.  I also used the Natural Elegance B-sides AddOn.


A little bit about how proud my son was when he climbed on the living room couch for the first time - how careful he is and what he does to challenge himself to go a bit further each time :)
I used a fantastic collection from Lynne-Marie at Catscrap.  It's called Unwritten.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011


My older daughter having a wonderful time running uphill against strong winds :)
I did this for the CT Spotlight Challenge at Catscrap this month...and I used Erica Zane What Say? ~ also available at Catscrap.  Ulla-May (zwyck) is in the spotlight and I lifted her My Favorite Movie.

Christmas Cards

Some fabulous hybrid Christmas Cards from Dawn Inskip at Scrapbook Graphics - they print out perfectly!!
I used Dawn's Christmas Greetings Printable Cards, her A Winter's Tale and Noel Gift Tags ~ everything available at Scrapbook Graphics ~

Paper Dolls

My girls and I enjoyed two nights of cutting out these fabulous paper dolls, created by Berna Datema at Scrapbook Graphics.  They are called Ma'am's Dolls Cutouts and the pack comes with 4 dolls and sheets and sheets of fun and funky clothes, shoes, jewellery - everything!
For the layout, I used Berna's Poiesis - Economy Pack and Jenny Davey's Strip That Paper 2.0 ~ everything available at Scrapbook Graphics ~

Naughty or Nice...?

My older daughter is usually a little bit of both LOL
I did this for the Flip It Fast Challenge over at Catscrap and I used Creashen's Tomte kit ~ also available at Catscrap.

Sunday, December 04, 2011


We lit the first candle of the Christmas wreath on Monday, since Sunday was so busy that we plain forgot!!  Lighting it on Monday didn't matter, though, it was just as festive and special :)
I used Flergs' fantastic collab with Eva Kipler, Glorious: The Mega Collection as well as one of Jenny Davey's Strip That Paper 2.0 templates ~ everything available at Scrapbook Graphics ~

Christmas Tree...

Heading home from the traditional lighting of the town's Christmas tree on November 27 :)
I used a bunch of stuff from Dawn Inskip @ Scrapbook Graphics...too much to list (I love mix-n-matching :)...but the layout is linked for full credits.

Saturday, December 03, 2011


My older daughter playing with my son around the middle of September :)
I used BCD Designs' fabulous new Give A Hoot ~ available at After Five Designs.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Christmas Lads

We have 13 rather mischievous Christmas Lads in Iceland - each one comes down from their home in the mountains with a little treat for the kids.  First one comes on December 12 and the last one on December 24.
I used Dawn Inskip's gorgeous new A Winter's Tale and her fabulous new Layer Me Up Templates Vol.1 - slightly modified to include 13 instead of 12 :) ~ both available at Scrapbook Graphics.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 27

First Sunday of Advent and the lights on the Christmas trees were lit in our town today.  We went - of course - and took my younger daughter's friend with.  They met the first Santas of the season and were really excited :)
I used Studio Basic's amazing He's Coming kit, available at Digiscrappers Brasil and MScraps.


My younger daughter taking photos in China back in August :)
I used Thaty Borges' amazing new Oh Snap! Kit and Oh Snap! Wordart.  I also used Studio JenD's Going in Circles: Clusters ~ everything available at Scrapbook Graphics ~

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sweetest Love

My daughters happy to have arrived at our hotel  in Nanjing China in August :)
I did this for Studio Em-ka Playday at Scrapbook Graphics...and the layout is linked for full credits :)


My younger daughter enjoying a snowy day back in January :)
I used Line Designs' amazing new When The Winter Comes ~ available at Digital Créa

Monday, November 28, 2011


My son last week :)
I used BCD Designs' gorgeous Just A Boy ~ available at After Five Designs...

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Photos from February when my younger daughter and her friends were playing in the snow :)
I used Kristin's ScrapDesign's gorgeous new Template Pack No43.  The kit is Snow Queen by Lily Designs with a couple of wordarts by Dawn Inskip and Mona Lisa Smiles.

Holiday Joy

My younger daughter in December 2010 :)

I used Nikki Beaudreau's Peace & Joy and her Sugar Cookies Alpha.  I also used Nancie Rowe Janitz' Holiday Magic Photo Masks ~ everything available at Catscrap ~


Lighting the second candle of the Advent wreath in December 2010 :)
Everything I used is by Jenna Desai at The Lilypad...the layout is linked for full credit :)


In 2010, we kicked off December with a fantastic Christmas concert.  This is part of the stage decor :)
Everything is by Amy Wolff at The Lilypad...the layout is linked for full credit :)

Chit Chat...

My older daughter (left) and her friend having a chat - August 2010 :)
I used BCD Designs' gorgeous kit Chit Chat ~ available at After Five Designs.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My Blessings

My three beautiful children - who perfect our family :)
I used a fantastic collab from Creashens and Erica Zane, called Counted.