Thursday, May 27, 2010

Goodie Gumdrops

... I love that name :) And it's the name of Dawn Inskip's newest kit, which just hit the Pickleberry Pop store this morning...
I used it to scrap Lovisa's bubble blowing adventures this past weekend :) Blowing bubbles is a summery activity and it evokes such happiness and joy in children (and grown-ups LOL). I love watching my girls blowing bubbles and run around the yard chasing them!Isn't she sweet? And I love all the colors in the kit - they just make it easy to let the joy come across in the layout.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Innocence from Dawn

Dawn Inskip just brought out another stunner of a kit. It's called Innocence...My little one is crazy for ice cream. Well crazy for everything sweet really LOL
And she's not one whose expressions are difficult to read :) So, that's my blond big blue-eyed little daughter in the summer of 2008. She sometimes looks like a little cherub, but looks can be deceiving!!!
Do you see that googly eyed fluffy bird-ball? It's in the kit and I LOVE it - had to use it LOL

Everything is linked - thanks for stopping by and I hope your weekend will be wonderful. Ours is starting out bright and rather warm, although the weather man reported volcanic ash high up in the sky preventing air travel to and from the airports in our south-west corner of Iceland. Mom is flying off to Minneapolis on Tuesday, and as it is today, she might have to take the bus for 5-6 hours to the north where our second (very small) international airport is located. Then she has to take a 2 hour flight to Glasgow and only then can she get on a plane to the States. That's a long detour LOL but that's what nature can do to you!! It's unpredictable and can't be controlled so I guess all we can do is sit back and try and accept the nuisances it sometimes imposes on us :)

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

And some more :)

I'm a guest for Rubia Padilha of Studio Basic for the months of May and June. She makes the most fantastic templates and I'm a big fan of hers. Here's my first layout for her CTThis is Lovisa Lin dressed up in her little sister's Pocahontas costume - on her way to a costume birthday party last Friday. The weather was amazing and before she left for the party, she was having tons of fun out on the balcony. I got so many happy photos of her :)
So, I have many photos to scrap LOL Here, I used Biograffiti's new mini kit, Enjoy Life - so very aptly named for this photo :)
Everything is linked for full credit :)

Thank you so much for stopping by - and have a wonderful day!!

More new layouts

I'm rather scrap-productive these days :)Here's another one with Kristin's new templates. We try to not eat or snack in the car while we travel, instead we stop and go outside while we eat. When it's raining, we let make the trunk into a shelter and the girls sit inside it - and the love it LOL When the weather is nice we get out our picnic blanket and sit on the grass. It's always fun :)

Here's another one with Dawn's new kit, That's Life, and her Template No4. I used it to scrap my little nephew on his third birthday. He loved his chocolate cake, kept it close by at all times, gave it a good squeeze once in awhile (LOL) and thoroughly enjoyed eating it!! He announced to everyone that this was HIS cake :þ

Matthildur Inga on her first trip to the playground. She had been there before, but always asleep :) This time she was wide awake and got to try out the sandbox, which she sorta kinda liked. For a little while - then she started to cry and didn't see the point of sitting there, so well dressed that she couldn't move LOL
I used Biograffiti's new Creative Juice No10
I love her templates - I've probably said it before LOL

Everything is linked for full credit!

Monday, May 03, 2010

That's Life

Dawn Inskip released a fantastic new kit last Friday. It's called That's Life and it's available exclusively in her Pickleberry Pop store...
I used it to scrap my older daughter's fabulous soccer movements...
Lovisa has never been a fan of soccer, but a week ago she was playing with her sister and my nephew and she was actually pretty good. Hidden qualities :)

Mother Love from Kim De Smet

My girls with their grandmother at the end of April...
They love her to pieces - and it's totally mutual :)

Kristin's new templates

I love Kristin's ScrapDesign's multi-photo templates, she released a couple of new packs this weekend and this is what I did with one of them...These are my girls playing in the garden in the summer of 2008. The layout is linked for full credit :)

New from Penny

Penny Springmann released a new kit this weekend called Mrs. Brightside...I used it to scrap my almost 4 year old bundle of joy taking a bath the other day. It's just endless source of laughter and joy :)