I'm rather scrap-productive these days :)

Here's another one with Kristin's new templates. We try to not eat or snack in the car while we travel, instead we stop and go outside while we eat. When it's raining, we let make the trunk into a shelter and the girls sit inside it - and the love it LOL When the weather is nice we get out our picnic blanket and sit on the grass. It's always fun :)

Here's another one with Dawn's new kit, That's Life, and her Template No4. I used it to scrap my little nephew on his third birthday. He loved his chocolate cake, kept it close by at all times, gave it a good squeeze once in awhile (LOL) and thoroughly enjoyed eating it!! He announced to everyone that this was HIS cake :þ

Matthildur Inga on her first trip to the playground. She had been there before, but always asleep :) This time she was wide awake and got to try out the sandbox, which she sorta kinda liked. For a little while - then she started to cry and didn't see the point of sitting there, so well dressed that she couldn't move LOL
I used Biograffiti's new Creative Juice No10

I love her templates - I've probably said it before LOL
Everything is linked for full credit!