We just got home last night from Reykjavik. We left early Thursday morning since Lovisa Lin had an appointment at the eye doctor's. We've been taking her for the past year and a half, every 6 months and finally he said she needed glasses. So we chose a pair for her - it's pink (of course!!) and the seller said it was unbreakable! Well, we'll see about that - I'm just worried she'll forget the glasses somewhere, since she seems to be losing most everything else in school!!
It was my mom's 60 birthday on Thursday. Friday night the family went out to eat, 7 grown ups and 4 children under the age of 6. It was fun, and I'm just amazed at how good and well behaved the kids were! And yesterday, there was a little party at mom's house. It was a really good weekend - but I'm happy to be home none the less :)
Dawn Inskip just released a new kit, Passion, as well as two alpha packs, Puffed Up and Marvin...
I've done a couple of layouts with Passion already, it's really a fantastic kit...here's one of them

Oh, and Dawn is having a guest CT call - it ends on the 14th, so run to it! The ad is linked to the DST thread...

Here's another layout using Shabby Miss Jenn's newest kit, Grandma's Scrapbooks...

Phuong Ton has some fabulous kits in her store, and I had already done a layout with her new Orchid Dreams Reawakening kit, when I found this fantastic water fountain in it - I had somehow just missed it previously! But I HAD to do a layout with it...so here it is